Are you concerned about the amount of single-use plastic that is flowing into our waterways, landfills, forests, parks, streets, and bodies? Organizing for Plastic Alternatives (OPA) is a civic organization working to promote legislation and policy that address the deluge of plastic in our lives. Here are ways that you can act with us today:
Help us get signatures for a petition to Mayor Brandon Johnson to limit single use plastics in the City of Chicago!
Please sign and share this to your own posts and send to your friends.
Tell Illinois legislators: Say Farewell to Foam
Sign the petition.
CONTACT U.S Senator Tammy Duckworth at (202) 224-2854 or your U.S. Representative and urge them to sign on to the
Break Free From Plastic Pollution bill currently in the House and Senate. You can find the names of and contact information for your U.S. Senators and Representative at congress.gov. (Senator Durbin and Representatives Garcia, Quigley, and Schakowsky have already signed on. You can thank them!) -
CONTACT your Illinois State Representative and Senator and urge them to vote for a ban on Styrofoam in foodservice packaging. A version of this bill passed the House this year. We hope to pass the Senate in 2023.
CONTACT your Alderperson and let them know that we want meaningful legislation in the City of Chicago to reduce the distribution of single use plastics in restaurants and grocery stores. In particular, we are interested in increased the bag fee at grocery stores. You can find your Alder’s name and contact information at chicago.gov.
Provide your thoughts about the amount of plastics in our grocery stores today at: https://forms.gle/4kc7ruzSrjCXG8Mx6. Assess your local grocery store and make suggestions about how they can do better on plastics at: https://forms.gle/BbsdbSFAmbck7pUaA.
Share your thoughts on our restaurant survey:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScxSjww3YstO1MhQ7xg0_iBbqPucqgqSlNCNDF1Oqi7JyzTdA/viewform?pli=1 -
Take personal steps with your family to reduce consumption of single-use plastics.
• Bring your own bags to the grocery store. Keep some folded-up cloth bags in your purse, backpack, bike-bag, or car so they’ll
be handy if you have to make a quick shop stop.
• Bring your own container (for instance, a glass jar or other reusable container with lid) as a “doggy bag” for leftovers when
you dine out.
• Ask your favorite stores and restaurants to use alternatives to single-use plastics. For instance, suggest paper straws (or no
straws) instead of plastic straws and cardboard or compostable containers for take-out. When possible, shop at stores that
support these measures.
• Talk to friends and family about reducing or using alternatives to single-use plastics.
• If your city or suburb allows it, dump your garbage directly into garbage containers without plastic garbage bags.
Or use paper bags.
• Carry your own refillable water bottle.
• Choose drinks in glass bottles or aluminum cans, which can be recycled, rather than plastic bottles.
• Buy items like nuts, seeds, grains, beans, and cleaning products (dish soap, shampoo) in bulk at stores that let you bring and fill
your own container. Some of these stores are listed under Resources, below. Where available, use items that are not packaged
in plastic, like shampoo bars instead of liquid shampoo in plastic bottles.
• Patronize fewer Drive-Thrus, To-Go, Grab & Go and food delivery